Frequently asked questions - FAQ

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

An overview of the most frequently asked questions we receive.

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  • How can telematics increase safety in the vehicle fleet?

    Telematics plays a crucial role in improving fleet safety. By monitoring driving behavior, risky manoeuvres such as heavy acceleration, abrupt braking or sharp cornering can be detected....
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  • What advantages does telematics offer for fleet management?

    Telematics systems bring numerous advantages for fleet management, which have a positive impact on efficiency, costs, safety and the general management of the fleet. The most important advantages in detail: Improved route planning: Thanks to...
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  • How does a telematics system work?

    A telematics system combines various technologies to record, transmit and analyze vehicle data. The process can be divided into several steps: Hardware installation: The first stage of a telematics system consists of...
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  • Is IBIS Service ISO 9001:2015 certified?

    We have high standards for our company and its products and services. The quality of our work and the satisfaction of our customers and all interested parties are of paramount importance to us.
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  • What data can be collected by telematics?

    Telematics systems are capable of collecting a wide range of data that is crucial for fleet management. This data can be divided into different categories: Location data (GPS): Telematics systems...
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  • What is telematics?

    Telematics is an interdisciplinary field that combines telecommunications and information technology to enable the collection, transmission and analysis of data. In the automotive industry, telematics refers to systems that collect vehicle data...
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  • How can I effectively analyze and reduce the total costs for our fleet?

    To effectively analyze and reduce the total cost of ownership for your fleet, you can use the following strategies: Detailed cost breakdown: Keep a comprehensive breakdown of all operating costs, including fuel, maintenance, insurance,...
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  • What operating costs should be considered in fleet management?

    Various operating costs should be taken into account in fleet management to ensure profitability. Here are the most important cost factors: Fuel costs: The cost of gasoline or diesel is often the biggest ongoing cost...
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  • What signs indicate that a vehicle needs maintenance?

    There are several signs that may indicate that a vehicle requires maintenance: Warning lights: Lights on the dashboard, such as the engine warning light or the oil pressure warning light, are often an indication of...
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  • How often should vehicles be serviced?

    The maintenance intervals for vehicles may vary depending on the vehicle type, use and manufacturer's specifications. General recommendations are: Regular inspections: As a rule, vehicles should be serviced at least once a year or every 10,000 to...
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